Connecticut Table Tennis (sm/c1996) Fairfield & Bethany TT Clubs  
Novice to Champion, Young or Old, Male or Female 
-just come - listed-  times/sites -
     no  reservation or commitment required - come alone or bring friends - nightly playing fee is $12 --
Host: Coach Dave Strang-
Former CT State Champion-
Click for Info
  or Call or (better) TEXT me @ (203) 525-6l94 -or e-mail;     

weekly Play in Gyms w/ 7 tables -   in safe locations: Prospect ~
Summer 2024 new A/C ! -Scroll for UPDATED sites & days
                                                   (BULLETINS here) Prospect Sat Play Noon-4pm and Tues 630-9 pm is confirmed FOR OCTOBER except Oct 26 MAY be changed. recheck website or text me that Friday. PROSPECT Tuesdays 630 to 930pm CONTINUES THROUGH OCTOBER 31st .BETHANY TT IS SUSPENDED and might not resume due to changes voted by the town committee at a May meeting without Parks & Rec Dept. input . Text your name/Town to (203) 525-6194 . Fairfield play ended in 2020. New sites in SW, West or Central CT are being sought . -   
- Schedule can be confirmed 24/7 by texting me at .:   (203) 525-6l94*  


~ near rte 63, between New Haven and Naugatuck

Bethany Sun. nights 600-930 pm
BETHANY TT IS SUSPENDED and might not resume
due to Gym usage policy changes voted by the town committee at a May meeting without Parks & Rec Dept. input

Bethany Town Hall Gym 
40 Peck Rd. Bethany -: